Our roots are in the Development of so-called Active Sound systems. Since the introduction of vehicles with electronic sound generation with the help of one Soundmodul and one Soundaktuator we are located near Hamburg on the Further development of Soundboosters Systems specialized, to the to improve performance and the Installation in all vehicles to make possible. With innovative ideas we continue to set new standards. As the first company We allowed the individualization the synthetic sounds produced Using an app - the sound system was first adapted to the personal needs. The current one “State of the Art” is ours Soundgenerator, the Active Sound Unit.
In constant contact with our customers, we have the Wishes as a guide for our development seen and next to that Sound Booster our Product portfolio developed. This has resulted in the Active Suspension Control. A configurable per app Module for Lowering of vehicles with air suspension installed as standard.
For owners with Benzin-Motoren we have something in the portfolio – the Active Valve Control. It allows the Control of exhaust systems with electronic flap control. Thus, control of the flaps on the mechanisms provided by the manufacturer is also possible.
our house development We can also provide customized projects. Thus, the customer specified projects a welcome challenge for us.
News about us can also be found in our informative Blog. And when you sports exhaust systems are interested, then take a look at ours Milltek Sport Shop past.
By the way, our latest projects are as follows: AMG steering wheel and the AMG steering wheel conversion in the Mercedes Benz or. the Retrofitting an AMG performance steering wheel.
Besides, we can do the Remove the VMax lock on the Mercedes Benz Vito.
performance increase With chiptuning and Map optimization is also one of our competencies.
Problems with that Audi TTRS recall or Audi R8 recall? We can help!
Company Trailer
The customer satisfaction is an important factor for a successful and respected company - and that's where we place ourselves. Based on our experience we can give expert advice and quickly find a solution for problems. Whether small or large problems - rapid troubleshooting is important to us.
Our support Team is available both by phone and e-mail, and on the ground around Hamburg for personal questions like your disposal!
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